Filtered by: - Theme (Partnerships & Networks)
Guide for Developing a Theory of Change with a Biodiversity Focus
A guide to take you through the steps for creating or adapting a Theory of Change (ToC).
Created: 2025-01-13
Developing a theory of change with a biodiversity focus resource for Facilitators
This resource should be used as the facilitators notes for 'Developing a Theory of Change with a Biodiversity Focus'. This resource includes prompts, spaces to write notes, and reflections.
Good Fund Management: Module 4
The fourth and final module of this course, covering what happens at the end of a funding period.
Created: 2024-10-11
Management Time: Who’s Got the Monkey?
This is a classic resource about managers managing their time. It was originally published in the November–December 1974 issue of Harvard Business Review and has been one of the publication’s two best-selling reprints ever. In this link, Stephen R. Covey added commentary (see the sidebar “Making Time for Gorillas”).
Created: 2024-08-15
Project Management for Wildlife Conservation
Professional guidence on managing any type of conservation project.
Created: 2024-08-15
Conflict resolution
Welcome to conflict resolution. By the end of this course you will be able to: - Identify common sources of conflict - Categorise conflicts you have experienced by their source - Describe four types of instinctive responses to stress and how to mitigate these - Identify your natural conflict resolution…
Created: 2024-08-15
Module 2: Introduction to Safeguarding
How to Develop an Organisational Approach to Safeguarding.
Created: 2024-08-15
Module 3: Introduction to Safeguarding
Encouraging and Responding to Reports.
Created: 2024-08-15
Module 4: Introduction to Safeguarding
Safeguarding Self-Assessment.
Created: 2024-08-15
Introduction to Communications Strategies
"Saving our planet is now a communications challenge. We know what to do, we just need the will.” - David Attenborough Do you want to have more effective communications? Do you find it difficult to prioritise or find you often don't have enough time? Whether you are an NGO member…
Created: 2024-08-15
Module 1: Introduction to safeguarding
Module 1: Introducing Safeguarding in Conservation.
Created: 2024-08-15
Gender in conservation projects
Welcome to this course on gender in conservation projects. We've designed this course as an introduction to gender in the context of conservation, including some suggestions on how you can promote gender equity within your projects. By the end of this course, you should be able to - Define 'gender'…
Created: 2024-08-15
WildTeam training for conservation professionals
We provide regular online training in the following topics: Project Management for Wildlife Conservation: In this course you will learn how to manage a conservation project from start to finish. Project management is a fundamental skill that all conservationists need to help manage their work effectively. For that reason it…
Created: 2024-08-13
Context Analysis Document
This template offers key questions to help understand and document a project's context, helping you in strategic / project planning, funding proposals, and onboarding new team members and partners.
Created: 2024-07-23
After Action Review
This document will help you understand and implement the After Action Review (AAR) process, providing guidance and questions to enhance team performance through reflective learning.
Created: 2024-07-23
Supporting Organisational Resilience in Partners: Evidence for Impact
A briefing document about the impact of organisational strengthening work.
Created: 2024-07-23
Supporting Organisational Resilience in Partners: 8 Lessons Learned
This briefing document shares learning from the first 3 years of Fauna Flora’s Conservation Resilience Fund.
Created: 2024-06-14
Checklist for choosing indicators & methods
This checklist will help you choose indicators and methods that are suitable to your context.
Created: 2024-06-14
Wellbeing: A library of resources
Podcasts, videos, academic and media articles and books on the following topics: Eco-anxiety Solastalgia Climate Distress Inner Resilience Community Resilience Planetary Resilience Inter-sectionality Indigenization Climate Justice
Created: 2023-12-07
Wellbeing Resources: 20-30Min Contemplation Practices
About The EWS Collective is comprised of experts in mental well-being, organizational performance, and mindfulness who support organizations and individuals in balancing achievement and well-being with a focus on environmental and social justice nonprofits. This channel will share guided meditations and practices from members of the EWS…
Created: 2023-12-07
Introduction to Social Safeguards
Welcome to this Introduction to Social Safeguards course. By the end of this course, you should be able to: Define the meaning of Social Safeguards and the relationship with “safeguarding of children and adults at risk” Explain how Social Safeguards can contribute to fair and effective biodiversity conservation Analyse some…
Created: 2023-11-16
Good Fund Management: Module 3
During this module we will continue to look at key areas of importance during fund implementation. By the end of this module, you should be able to: Explain how a strong relationship with a funder is created and maintained Describe best practice in terms of fund monitoring and reporting Identify…
Created: 2023-11-09
Good Fund Management: Module 2
In this online e-learning module, we will cover procurement, authorisation procedures and supporting documentation. By the end of the module you should be able to: Describe what procurement is and basic best practice principles Identify problematic spending patterns Identify common supporting documents requested by funders and where to keep them
Created: 2023-11-09
Good Fund Management: Module 1
This course introduces you to the general principles of good fund management. It aims to ensure that funds are used effectively for conservation and fulfil both your, and stakeholders', conditions and expectations. By the end of this module, you will be able to: Identify the differences between a contract and…
Created: 2023-11-09
Learning from failure CFC
Welcome to this session on learning from failure. By the end of the session you should be able to: Explain the importance of learning from failure List factors which prevent us learning from failure in conservation Identify how you can improve team culture in terms of recognising and exploring…
Created: 2023-11-07
Une introduction à l'engagement des parties prenantes
Avez-vous déjà eu une décision prise en votre nom, qui a eu un impact négatif sur vous ? Qu'avez-vous ressenti ? Ce cours explore l'engagement des parties prenantes, avec un accent particulier sur les parties prenantes communautaires. Nous verrons pourquoi l'engagement des parties prenantes est crucial pour une conservation efficace et équitable,…
Created: 2023-11-07
An introduction to stakeholder engagement
Have you ever had a decision made on your behalf, which went on to negatively impact you? How did it make you feel? This course explores stakeholder engagement, with a particular emphasis on community stakeholders. We'll look at why stakeholder engagement is crucial to effective and equitable conservation, and how…
Created: 2023-11-07
Outputs, outcomes, impacts, oh my
Have you ever been confused about the difference between outputs, outcomes, and impacts? If so, then you've come to the right place. This short course aims to help you apply these terms to create strong, clear project designs and logical frameworks.
Created: 2023-11-07
Active Listening
’I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening’. – Larry King Listening to what someone is saying – really listening – is one of the most important skills a leader can have. How…
Created: 2023-11-07
Persuading people
Have you ever been in a meeting with someone and you know the best way to proceed... and that it would be in their interests... but they aren't convinced and you just...can't...find...the... right...words...? The power to persuade people can be an invaluable tool to support conservation work. For example, you…
Created: 2023-11-07
Managing change
"Leaders establish the vision for the future and set the strategy for getting there.” – Dr. John Kotter Welcome to this session where we'll be exploring the concept of change, and how it relates to leadership, and especially leading teams. By the end of the session, you should be able…
Created: 2023-11-07
Giving effective feedback
Welcome to this session on giving effective feedback. This session is made up of two parts. In this first part we will: Explore what stops us giving feedback, and the repercussions of this Discuss tips for giving good feedback The second lesson will look at the CEDAR model of giving…
Created: 2023-11-07
Motivating people
If you ask someone to draw you a conservationist, they will probably draw someone in the middle of a remote natural area: passionate and driven, yes – but probably also grubby, tired and far from family and friends. Or they may draw a picture of that other stereotype – stressed-out…
Created: 2023-11-07
The power of support networks
Welcome to this session focusing on understanding the value of a well-developed personal network, and practical exercises to help you consider and strengthen your own. By the end of this session you should be able to: Define a support network and how it can help you as a conservation leader…
Created: 2023-11-07
Receiving and seeking feedback
Receiving regular and direct feedback from managers, those we manage, and colleagues, empowers us to grow as professionals and produce better results.
However, not everyone has the same experience and relationship with receiving feedback. Feedback may make you feel anxious, afraid, or even threatened.
That’s why this course will help you understand common reactions to feedback and dispel any misconceptions you may have. You’ll explore how to adopt the right mindset and build a positive relationship with feedback.
Created: 2023-11-07
Team development
This session looks at how teams develop and evolve. By the end of it you will be able to: List the stages of Tuckman’s model of team development Explain the characteristics of each stage Identify different techniques you could use to move your team between stages Evaluate your own…
Created: 2023-11-07
Unconscious bias
Unconscious bias happens when our brains make incredibly quick judgements and assessments of people and situations without us realising. Our biases are influenced by our background, cultural environment and personal experiences. We may not even be aware of these views and opinions, or be aware of their full impact and implications. Throughout our lives, we develop biases towards gender, sexuality, age, race, disability, religion, education and social classes (to name a few).
Created: 2023-11-07
Work/life balance and the importance of looking after our own wellbeing
In this course, the focus is on looking after ourselves. This is something many conservationists can struggle to pay enough attention to, though if we do, it can have clear benefits – for ourselves, those we work with, and the work itself.
Created: 2023-11-07
The art of outreach: How to message potential donors on LinkedIn
With over 850 million members across more than 200 countries and territories, LinkedIn is the perfect place for nonprofit fundraisers to connect with potential donors and steward meaningful relationships. And one of the best ways to get the conversation started is via a LinkedIn message.
Created: 2023-09-26
Social Safeguards: An introduction to Grievance Mechanisms
By the end of this course, you should be able to: Explain what a Grievance Mechanism is Describe how such a mechanism can help us ensure conservation activities are fair and effective Recognise what constitutes a conservation-related grievance Identify examples of good practice in Grievance Mechanism design and implementation by…
Created: 2023-06-23
Idea Screening and Selection for Sustainable Innovation
This template helps you assess new opportunities and initiatives against core purpose, values, capacity and external developments.
It is used to support your board, teams and other stakeholders when considering new developments, projects or funding opportunities.
Created: 2023-06-02
Clarifying Responsibilities with MOCHA
This is a tool for clarifying decision-making and roles within a project.
Created: 2023-04-26
Developing a Theory of Change: Workshop Guidance Notes
A theory of change (ToC) is a system of ideas intended to explain how we think change happens or will happen in the area we want to address, and how we intend to work to influence these changes. It can be a powerful approach to support programmatic and organisational learning and adaptation processes.
Created: 2023-04-13
Job evaluation: considerations and risks
We take a close look at the key issues you need to address before deciding whether job evaluation is right for your organisation. This booklet focuses on the preparation period before embarking on job evaluation. The booklet also explains how analytical job evaluation works in practice and discusses in more detail the use of factor plans. Page 19* a schematic that breaks job descriptions down into skill, responsibility, working conditions, effort, and asks that each of those be assigned factors/levels. This would help with fair and transparent job banding.
Created: 2023-03-24
An Introduction to Proposal and Report Writing
The Introduction to Proposal and Report Writing module is a stand alone module linked to HOP Fundamentals, an open-access, self-paced catalogue of quality assured and interactive learning modules, curated by partner providers or created by Save the Children. Approximately 1 to 2 hours. You can exit at any time and when you return, the module will take you to where you left off. You will be able to download a certificate once you have have completed all of the modules within the programme.
Created: 2023-03-15
Innovative M&E from the Sandbox and beyond
Who would find this resource useful? Organisations, movements, and people who aim to contribute towards, monitor and measure systems change or transformation. An organisation would use this resource when... ...they want to learn from new ways of doing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) that are coherent with the complex nature of…
Created: 2023-03-15
Stories and numbers: Collecting the right impact data
On 30 September 2015, NPC held a seminar on how charities can decide what types of impact data to collect. The event took place as part of our four-part impact measurement seminar series, designed to give charities an introduction to various aspects of impact measurement. This report highlights the main
themes discussed and summarises advice from our speakers, drawing on the experience of those in attendance.
Created: 2023-03-03
Better Evaluation has information and guidance on more than 300 methods and processes used in evaluation. also hosts thousands of evaluation resources, detailed information on evaluation approaches and themes, blogs from evaluation experts, as well as guides and tools such as the Manager's guide to evaluation, and the GeneraTOR Terms of Reference generator.
Created: 2023-01-11
Learning from failure
This online e-learning course focuses on learning from failure. By the end of the session you should be able to: Explain the importance of learning from failure; List factors which prevent us learning from failure in conservation; Identify how you can improve team culture in terms of recognising and exploring failure; and Identify specific systems and tools which can help you lead learning from failure
Created: 2022-12-20
Accessing support. A collaborative introduction to online support, networking and learning opportunities
This session looks at what stops us accessing external resources, how to prioritize given the many resources available and the limited time, and shares a few highlighted resources to support organisational resilience in the conservation sector.
Created: 2022-12-20
Strength in diversity: Resilience through building networks
Presentation on the power and importance of building strong networks for an organisations resilience by Arica Hill, Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) and Martha Kimmel, FFI’s Partnerships and Organisational Development Technical Specialist.
Created: 2022-12-20
The role of donors in supporting CSO organisational resilience
A panel discussion held as part of the 2022 Organisational Resilience Festival, this session features 4 funders presenting their thoughts on supporting organisational resilience
Created: 2022-12-20
You want funding for what? Presenting an organisational development elevator pitch for a donor
This 9 minute session, delivered by Alerick Pacay, FFI, as part of the 2022 Organisational Resilience Festival, looks at how to create a strong elevator pitch for when you have 2 minutes to pitch your project to a donor.
Created: 2022-12-20
The setting of a charity's risk appetite
The consideration of risk and how risk is managed is particularly important for charities because their governance structure means that those who are ultimately responsible for the charity, its Trustees, are not normally involved in the day to day running of its operations.
Created: 2022-12-19
Building Financial Resilience
This recorded online session, presented by Laura Owens, FFI’s Partnerships & Organisational Development Technical Specialist, and Estrela Matilde from Fundação Príncipe was part of the 2022 Organisational Resilience Festival. It looks at what we mean by financial sustainability, indicators of financial sustainability, the importance of building a financial strategy and how to do so, including tips on building financial reserves and cover core costs.
Created: 2022-12-19
Facilitating Organisational Change
This session, presented by Marianne Carter, FFIs Director of Conservation Capacity and Leadership as part of the 2022 Organisational Resilience Festival, discusses different types of change, why people are often reluctant to face it, and approaches and tools to support people through it.
Created: 2022-12-19
Organisational Resilience Check
Organisational Resilience Check template This resource is the offline version of the Organisational Resilience Check assessment on this website. Who would find this resource useful: If your internet connection is not strong or you work best offline, then downloading the template here may be easier than working through…
Created: 2022-12-19
Leading a Resilient Organisation through Change
Presented by Radhika Kothari, GroundUp Conservation. This session, recorded as part of the 2022 Organisational Resilience Festival, looks at leading your organisation through change and how to support your colleagues to view change as an opportunity rather than a source of disruption. Radhika also introduces us to the 8 step…
Created: 2022-12-19
Resilience and Crisis Preparation and Response
This online session, recorded as part of the Festival of Resilience 2022, explores how to build organisational resilience through preparing for and responding to crises. Presented by Laura Owens of Fauna & Flora International, the talk moves through 3 stages: Understanding risks, preparing for crises and responding to crises.
Created: 2022-12-19
What does organisational change look like in practice?
3 case studies on how organisational development has worked in practice, exploring leadership transition, decision making in times of crisis, and challenges with governance.
Created: 2022-12-19
Eight hallmarks of a risk aware charity
Identify the hallmarks of a risk aware organisation
Created: 2022-12-19
Leadership Transition for Building Resilience
Session looking at how smaller organisations and CBOs can evolve their leadership to become more resilient
Created: 2022-12-19
How resilient is your organisation?
Talk and Q&A with FFI’s Partnerships and Organisational Development Programme
Created: 2022-12-19
The Art of Being Ready for Anything. What is organisational resilience and why should we care?
Keynote speech of FFIs/WCSs Organisational Resilience Festival, November 2022. Tracy Hatton from Resilient Organisations takes us through what organisational resilience is, why should we care and where should we start.
Created: 2022-12-19
UK Charity Commission: Charities and risk management (CC26)
This guidance outlines the basic principles and strategies that can be applied to help charities manage their risks.
Created: 2022-10-18
NGO Risk Management: Principles and Promising Practice
How can this resource help? This handbook is meant to serve as a primer and quick reference tool for humanitarian organizations on the basic principles of risk management. It presents concrete examples of promising practices as well as pitfalls to avoid. The handbook draws upon the findings of a…
Created: 2022-10-18
Risk Register Tool
A risk register is a risk management tool that can assist in creating a repository of potential risks that could affect the organization and its operations. It describes the nature and severity of each risk, possible mitigation measures and risk "owners."
Created: 2022-10-18
NGOs and risk: How international humanitarian actors manage uncertainty
Who would find this resource useful?
Any NGO wishing to deepen their understanding of methods used to manage risk.
Created: 2022-10-18
Oryx Journal: Capacity for Conservation articles
This collection of papers acknowledges the challenges to build sufficient conservation capacity to deliver effective, timely nature protection at the scale needed. Each article however, demonstrates a clear understanding of the task ahead and provides evidence to support many of the approaches being taken to tackle these challenges.
Monitoring and Evaluation for Wildlife Conservation
The purpose of this best practice is to provide conservationists with guidance on how to plan their monitoring and evaluation activities and report on the success of their work in terms of the impact achieved.
Created: 2022-09-08
GISF: NGO security collaboration toolbox
This toolbox provides advice and practical resources to support NGOS in facilitating effective security collaboration with other organisations operating in the same context.
Created: 2022-08-25
Managing Sexual Violence against Aid Workers: prevention, preparedness, response and aftercare
This guide is aimed at anyone with a responsibility for staff care, safety and security, as well as anyone involved in processes aimed at preventing or responding to incidents of sexual violence against staff, such as security focal points, HR staff, project and programmes staff, and first responders to incidents of sexual violence within an aid organisation.
Created: 2022-08-25
Building adaptive resilience
The information in this resource identifies critical factors that influenced how well organisations were able to adapt. It presents a framework for using this four factors that can be used to build your organisations adaptive resilience.
Created: 2022-08-19
Online course: Financial Management for Humanitarian, Development and Conservation Professionals (FMD Pro)
This 2.5-hour curriculum provides fundamentals of financial management in the context of projects in humanitarian, development, and conservation sectors. The five courses are designed to build project team member’s financial management skills in order to effectively manage project and program finances.
Created: 2022-08-12
Online course: Risk Management and Funding Partnerships
Who would find this resource useful? All types of NGOs to better identify and manage risks that can arise from partnerships where one partner is funding another. An organisation would use this resource when... ...managing operational challenges and risks affecting funding partnerships. Although based within the humanitarian sector, this resource…
Created: 2022-08-12
Governance: a guide for international NGOs
Who would find this resource useful? Trustees of large and international not-for-profit organisations. An organisation would use this resource when... …looking to develop a framework for governance best practice and practically applying these principles to the everyday operations of your organisation. How can this resource help? Each section within the…
Created: 2022-08-09
Mobile App: Atlas - Ready For Business
Although initially designed for small to medium businesses, the Atlas mobile app can be adapted for small to medium conservation organisations that are aware of the need to prepare for crises and are looking for advice on what to actually do.
Created: 2022-08-09
Oryx Journal paper: What makes conservationists persevere? Resilience strategies at work
Resilience (i.e. positive adaptation to professional challenges) can help individuals thrive in their roles. We interviewed 22 conservationists with professional experience working in low-income countries with high biodiversity and explored what helped and what hindered them in their work. We used thematic analysis to identify factors related to positive and negative psychological states and strategies to promote resilience at work. The results revealed factors that were associated with positive psychological states, including achievements and recognition for work.
Created: 2022-07-28
Writing for Conservation Guide
This guide strives to support you in this endeavour by providing guidance, both general and specific, to help you tell your story in the structured manner and style required for scientific communication—to help you fulfil your communication aspirations.
Created: 2022-07-27
Becoming agile: A guide to building adaptive resilience
Building adaptive resilience in organisations is a long-term process. This booklet outlines the stages in the process, starting with clarifying how resilient your organisation is today, and then moves through a series of activities that foster greater resilience.
Created: 2022-07-18
The role of the board of directors in a crisis
For many organisations, the role of their board of directors during crisis response and recovery is not clear. This can introduce uncertainty, slow the response, deepen the crisis and make everyone's job harder. The Board's Role in Crisis is a guide for boards members and managers alike operating in any organisation.
Created: 2022-07-18
BirdLife Project Toolkit
This toolkit aims to help project teams deal with and manage the complexity of conservation challenges. Providing a set of flexible methods and tools to identify solutions to conservation problems and implement these in way that will maximise impact, collaboration and learning.
Created: 2022-07-15
Cover your assets
Insurance is only useful if the policy delivers what you need, when you need it. This short guide will help you select the right policy, learn how to prepare to use it, and make a claim.
Created: 2022-07-15
Chaos to teamwork: A leaders role in crisis
A short guide to help prepare a crisis leadership team before an event and improve effectiveness during an event
Created: 2022-07-15
Leading in Disaster Recovery
NZ Red Cross have created this pocket book of wisdom from over 100 recovery leaders who share the messages they wish they’d had. This is your companion through chaos that will connect you with over 100 other people who have walked in similar shoes.
Created: 2022-07-15
An introduction to stakeholder engagement
Have you ever had a decision made on your behalf, which went on to negatively impact you? How did it make you feel? This original online e-learning course explores stakeholder engagement, with a particular emphasis on community stakeholders. We'll look at why stakeholder engagement is crucial to effective and equitable…
Created: 2022-07-06
Building Civil Society support: A Good Practice Guide for BirdLife Partners
This guidance seeks to help BirdLife Partners (and other NGOs) cultivate and nurture supporters and members and to source from across the BirdLife Partnership practical, affordable and scalable strategies on how to build a strong, dedicated and growing network around civil society engagement.
Created: 2022-07-06
Exiting / transitioning from international partnerships: a toolkit for small NGOs
This toolkit, written by Lucy Morris, is a concise guide to exiting / transitioning from international partnerships, intended specifically for use by small non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The toolkit is one of five produced as part of the Strengthening Small Organisations with Big Ambitions project (2021-22), which aimed to strengthen small UK-based…
Created: 2022-07-05
Monitoring, evaluation and learning: a toolkit for small NGOs
This toolkit, written by Anne Garbutt, is a concise guide to monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL), intended specifically for use by small non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The toolkit is one of five produced as part of the Strengthening Small Organisations with Big Ambitions project (2021-22), which aimed to strengthen small UK-based NGOs…
Created: 2022-07-05
Advocacy: a toolkit for small NGOs
This toolkit, written by Helen Collinson, is a concise guide to advocacy intended specifically for use by small non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The toolkit is one of five produced as part of the Strengthening Small Organisations with Big Ambitions project (2021-22), which aimed to strengthen small UK-based NGOs working in international development.…
Created: 2022-07-05
Strategic planning: a toolkit for small NGOs
This toolkit, written by Rick James, is a concise guide to strategic planning intended specifically for use by small non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The toolkit is one of five produced as part of the Strengthening Small Organisations with Big Ambitions project (2021-22), which aimed to strengthen small UK-based NGOs working in international…
Created: 2022-07-05
Partner capacity strengthening: a toolkit for small NGOs
This toolkit, written by Catherine Squire, is a concise guide to partner capacity strengthening intended specifically for use by small non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The toolkit is one of five produced as part of the Strengthening Small Organisations with Big Ambitions project (2021-22), which aimed to strengthen small UK-based NGOs working in…
Created: 2022-07-05
Trustee role and board: detailed information
Who would find this resource useful? Those wishing to set up and run a charity. The Charity Commission is a non-ministerial department of the UK government and it's purpose is to register and regulate charities in England and Wales, to ensure that the public can support charities with confidence. An…
Created: 2022-07-05
The Complete Guide to Building a Non-profit Board
Who would find this resource useful? Whether you’re leading an established nonprofit or starting one from scratch, or whether you’re a CEO, volunteer board chair or staff lead for the board, this guide is for you. An organisation might use this resource when... …wanting to understand how to build and…
Created: 2022-07-05
Introduction to organisational governance
Who would find this resource useful? Board members and executives of conservation NGOs wishing to understand the steps to create an effective board. An organisation might use this resource when... …looking to deliver a similar style introductory presentation on good governance.
Created: 2022-07-05
Charity Governance Code
The Code sets the principles and recommended practice for good governance
Created: 2022-07-04
Trustee Recruitment Cycle: How to complete a skills audit
Strong boards have trustees with a mix of professional skills, personal experience and different perspectives. The ideal combination depends on your charity's purpose and strategy. A skills audit can help you find that combination.
Created: 2022-07-04
Trustee Recruitment Cycle
The Trustee Recruitment Cycle has been developed to supports boards to recruit and assess trustees in an effective and inclusive way.
Created: 2022-07-04
Stakeholder engagement for wildlife conservation
Providing guidance and best practice for engaging any kind of stakeholder for any type of conservation project.
Created: 2022-03-16
Into the Wild with the EAG: the Virtual Field Trip Experience
A fun and easy to follow three episode virtual programme: 'Into the Wild' for student 8-10 years old, to learn about marine and coastal wildlife!
Created: 2022-03-16
Talking the walk
Talking the Walk takes a highly practical look at the realities of communicating in and about partnership.
Created: 2022-02-08
The Partnering Journey
A diagram depicting the journey typically taken to build an effective collaboration: a central journey for the partnership as a whole, and individual journeys for each of the partners.
Created: 2022-02-08
12 Tips for Onboarding New Team Members
This resource provides tips and strategies for effectively integrating new colleagues into your organisation, whether it's virtual or in-person.
Created: 2022-02-07
The RAPID Decision-Making Tool for Nonprofits
RAPID® is a way to assign roles in a decision process. It helps clarify who provides input to a decision, who shapes the decision and ultimately decides on it, and who carries out the decision once it is made.
Created: 2022-01-28
Developing and modelling a positive safeguarding culture: A tool for leaders
A tool to help facilitate honest discussion and generate conversations to support teams or organisations to make important culture changes within their working environments in relation to safeguarding.
Created: 2022-01-27
Maliasili resources
Maliasili is an online platform which aims to enable talented local conservation organisations to become more effective at what they do, overcome their challenges, and achieve greater impact. Their wide range of free resources are designed to build organisational capacity.
Created: 2021-12-16
Five steps to telling stories of impact
This article presents five things to consider in creating and sharing stories to raise awareness amongst stakeholder audiences and demonstrate commitment.
Created: 2021-12-16
Partnership Health-check
This tool can be used to review the ‘health’ of the partnership, determining areas for discussion and improvement.
Created: 2021-12-07
The SDG Partnership Guidebook
This Guidebook sets out the key Building Blocks of successful partnerships and the underlying processes – from initial stakeholder engagement to partnership review – necessary to develop and keep those Building Blocks in place and to maximise partnership impact.
Created: 2021-12-07
Governance and NGOs Strengthening the Board
A workshop designed to build the capacity of boards of directors and support them in developing and sharing models of good governance practice.
Created: 2021-09-27
PESTLE Analysis
A PESTLE analysis is a framework to analyse the key factors (Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal and Environmental) influencing an organisation from the outside. It offers people professionals insight into the external factors impacting their organisation. The analysis is flexible, so organisations can use it in a range of different scenarios. People professionals and senior managers can use the results to guide strategic decision-making.
Created: 2021-09-15
Miradi: Conservation Theory of Change Builder
Miradi is a software that allows your team to manage projects together.
Created: 2021-08-26
The Remote Partnering Work Book
This resources provides insightful and practical guidance for those working in remote partnerships.
Created: 2021-08-26
Safeguarding resources
An organisation might use this resource when those within the organisation need to understand what safeguarding is and access guidance resources, and tools to help improve safeguarding policies and practices within the organisations and throughout their programmes of work.
Created: 2021-07-14
Grant writing for wildlife conservation V1
This best practice provides guidance on preparing an application for any type of conservation grant.
Created: 2021-06-23
The M&E Universe
The M&E Universe is a free, online resource developed by INTRAC to support development practitioners involved in monitoring and evaluation (M&E). It consists of a series of short papers (2-6 pages) on different subjects related to M&E. The M&E Universe has specifically been designed to support civil society organisations (CSOs) and draws many of its examples from the work of NGOs and other types of CSO.
Created: 2021-03-31
Understanding Impact
Using your theory of change to develop a measurement and evaluation framework. This guide is for charitable service providers who seek to evaluate their work or measure their impact. ‘Measuring’ in this instance means using data and evidence, both quantitative and qualitative, to gain useful insights about a charity’s work.…
Created: 2020-08-06
Partnerships Action Plan / Plano de Ação para as Parcerias (English & Português)
Title Chauá Society's partnership management action plan, as part of its strategic plan Chauá Society Founded in 2003, after six years of informal existence, the Chauá Society is a non-profit organisation whose mission is to be a reference institution in nature conservation, integrating scientific research, training, development and implementation…
Created: 2019-06-03
Monitoring matrix for project follow-up
The monitoring matrix gathers in one template all information necessary to implement activities, and ensure all the data will be collected to conduct a proper monitoring of progress. This template can be used by field teams to understand and prepare all necessary tools for the monitoring of their project(s). It…
Created: 2019-01-16
Skills Mapping & Prioritisation for the Pogány-havas Association
Synopsis The Pogány-havas Association works to conserve mountain hay meadows in Romania, which are among the most biodiverse in Europe but are at immediate risk from abandonment or conversion into sheep pasture. With a broad mandate and many varied projects, we were overwhelmed by a sense of obligation to communicate…
Created: 2017-11-02
Finding the right funding mix
Synopsis Ya'axché Conservation Trust (YCT) is a Belizean organisation works to maintain a healthy environment with empowered communities by fostering sustainable livelihoods, protected area management, biodiversity conservation and environmental education within the Maya Golden Landscape. Through a SWOC analysis, Ya’axché determined that the organisation was not as financially stable as…
Created: 2017-10-04
Behaviour Change Toolkit
This toolkit gives you the know-how you need to understand people’s behaviours and to help them to make positive changes in their lives. It should be used when preparing programme strategies, developing project proposals, and reviewing the quality of your interventions. Understanding exactly which factors prevent people from practising the promoted…
Created: 2017-08-01
Designing Comprehensive Partnering Agreements
As the number and complexity of partnerships has grown, so has our understanding of the principles and processes by which they work and can become successful. While partnering theory has been developed directly from practice, it is rare for that theory to be backed up by evidenced academic research. This publication demonstrates an effort to…
Created: 2017-06-01
Stakeholder analysis presentation
Who would find this resource useful? Any organisation wishing to clarify the content and scope of their stakeholder influence. An organisation might use this resource when... ...their organisation would like to adopt a more strategic approach and use resources more efficiently, by actively choosing key stakeholders upon whom to focus. How…
Created: 2016-10-18
INTRINSIC - Integrating Rights and Social Issues into Conservation
Biodiversity conservation is essentially a social process. It involves working with people to make decisions about how they will access, use, value and protect nature. Conservation inevitably entails both social costs and benefits, and the social context is likely to impact the efficiency and effectiveness of any conservation initiative. However,…
Created: 2016-09-29
BirdLife Cyprus' experience of developing Council Terms of Reference
Synopsis BirdLife Cyprus, like most conservation organisations, started from a purely voluntary basis and gradually grew into an organisation that employs about 10 staff, making it a medium sized organisation in Cyprus. On the one hand it is lucky to have a long serving Council whose members provide stability, on the…
Created: 2016-07-01
Workshop Bank
This website provides users with a wide range of online learning tools related to facilitation. These are particularly valuable if you have complex organisational issues to resolve, problems with team members and social cohesion, or a complex problem you need to solve with the help of many different stakeholders. On…
Created: 2016-04-25
Measuring Impact
Need to measure the impact of your intervention on biodiversity conservation, but don't know where to start? This pdf document has been produced by the social science sector, outlining in great detail how impact measurement is conducted today - it can be applied to many conservation projects, and is particularly useful for…
Created: 2016-04-25
Policies and Procedures - Sections Template
Is your NGO starting to grow or are you just starting out, and need to outline internal policies and procedures? This document outlines different sections typically found in a Policy & Procedures manual, highlighting sections such as general principles, banking & cash management, statutory compliance and many others.
Created: 2016-04-25
Funding Tracker - Salaries & Time
This tool is similar to the Funding Tracker and the Funding Tracker - Organisations vs. Programmes, in that it allows you to catalogue and manage your salaries and time costing's according to different donors and funders. Make sure to also download the…
Created: 2016-04-25
Funding Tracker - Organisational vs. Programme
Organise your fundraising work by prioritising it according to your organisation as a whole. It may be divided into two different sections: Organisational needs All the items (people’s salaries, services, travel, materials, equipment) needed to be able to run the basic office/programme activities) Programme needs All the items (people’s salaries, services,…
Created: 2016-04-25
Guidance on using Funding Grids
This word document is to be used with the funding tracker template found in the tools section of this website. It will guide you through the process on how to use these templates on excel.
Created: 2016-04-25
Funding Tracker
Organise your fundraising work into one concise and simple to use excel document. The funding tracker allows you to catalogue all your funding proposals into one sheet, and manage them according to fund type, programme type, author, start and end dates, and funding status. This template could be very useful…
Created: 2016-04-25
Organisational Roles - Template and Outline
Is your NGO starting to grow or are you just starting out, and need to clarify/outline internal roles? This document outlines different organisational roles within NGOs, detailing the types of responsibilities typically appointed to the individuals holding these roles.
Created: 2016-04-25
Financial Strategy Template
Need to outline your financial strategy but don’t know where to start? This template is an example of a typical financial strategy for an NGO. It details different sections which are valuable to include, along with supplying advice on what to consider when writing one, and how to describe and…
Created: 2016-04-25
Annual Work Plan Tool
If you are looking for an easy way to organise your annual work plan, so that you can better manage your daily, weekly, and monthly activities, then this excel spread sheet may help!
Created: 2016-04-25
Governing a Conservation NGO - A Guide to Good Practice
Who would find this resource useful? This guide is written primarily for the Board members and Chief Executives of conservation NGOs, as well as Partner Development Officers and other advisers. It may be useful to other organisations too. An organisation might use this resource when... …reviewing their governance. Most successful…
Created: 2016-02-12
Time Management Tools
Who would find this resource useful? Anyone trying to manage their own - or their team's - workload and time management An organisation might use this resource when…. Reviewing workloads, allocating tasks to staff, planning or implementing projects or developing internal capacity development plans How can this resource…
Created: 2015-08-24
Impact Builder
Who would find this resource useful? An organisation requiring a structured and efficient process to monitor and evaluate their projects and programmes. An organisation might use this resource when… …there is a need to identify and measure indicators and outcomes, recording the impact of projects with the aim of reviewing…
Created: 2015-08-21
Strategic Planning Workshop
Who would find this resource useful? Anyone planning or facilitating a strategic planning process for a non-governmental organisation An organisation might use this resource when…. Undertaking strategic planning How can this resource help? This is a set of slides which can be used to run a strategic planning workshop. Please…
Created: 2015-08-10
Organizational Strengthening: Realizing Potential, Increasing Impact
Who would find this resource useful? Any organisation going through a planning or strengthening process, and organisations that enable others to build their capacity or increase organisational strengthening. An organisation might use this resource when…. ...considering what are the key domains of an organisational strengthening process, and the different approaches to analyse,…
Created: 2015-02-26
Stakeholder Engagement Handbook
Who would find this resource useful? Any organisation working with externals. An organisation might use this resource when…. ...planning how, who and when to engage stakeholders. How can this resource help? This resource includes very useful guidance on any stage of the stakeholder engagement process - planning, implementation, monitoring &…
Created: 2015-01-22
What We Know About Exit Strategies: Practical Guidance For Developing Exit Strategies in the Field
The goal of this guidance document is to improve our collective understanding and ability to develop and implement sound Exit Strategies from Developmental Relief Programs. The topic of ‘Exit Strategies’ confounds and eludes emergency and development practitioners alike. In the dynamic context of southern Africa, the mere mention of ‘an…
Created: 2015-01-22
Training Design and Facilitation - A Trainer’s Manual
From the original document: This section of the course manual, Adapting to a Changing Climate, contains three sessions intended to assist the trainer in both designing and delivering a successful training workshop. These sessions on Training Design and Facilitation Skills are intended to be delivered as part of the training of trainers…
Created: 2015-01-22
Facilitating stakeholder workshops
Stakeholder workshops are increasingly used in research projects, yet despite planning and preparation an event can falter due to poor facilitation, leading to confusion and disengagement of stakeholders. Many researchers mistakenly think that because they are good at chairing meetings with academics, they can facilitate a stakeholder workshop.
Created: 2015-01-22
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
What is Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA)? MCDA (also called Multi-Criteria Evaluation/Analysis or Multi-Criteria Decision Modelling) is a tool for exploring issues and making decisions that involve multiple dimensions or criteria. It allows economic, social and environmental criteria, including competing priorities, to be systematically evaluated by groups of people. Both quantitative and qualitative data can…
Created: 2015-01-22
How to write a policy brief
Who would find this resource useful? Anyone developing organisational policies. An organisation might use this resource when…. ...Putting together a policy brief. How can this resource help? This small guidance document is an annex to the resource Stakeholder Engagement Handbook. It contains useful, straight-forward guidance and suggestions on…
Created: 2015-01-22
Organising stakeholder workshops
Who would find this resource useful? Any organisation working with externals. An organisation might use this resource when…. ...designing or planning a stakeholder workshop, to make sure it's tailored to the right audience and content. How can this resource help? This small guidance document is an annex to…
Created: 2015-01-22
Interviewing stakeholders
Who would find this resource useful? Any organisation working with externals. An organisation might use this resource when…. ...designing an interview process, or template, to make sure it's tailored to the right audience. How can this resource help? This small guidance document is an annex to the resource…
Created: 2015-01-22
Example Governing Documents
Who would find this resource useful? Anyone developing governing documents for an organisation including: Financial Statement Articles of Incorporation Bylaws Code of Ethics Conflict of Interest Policy Document Management Policy Gift Acceptance Policy Whistleblower Policy An organisation might use this resource when…. When: strengthening policies and procedures for organisational…
Created: 2014-10-08
Who would find this resource useful? Organisation leaders, board members or anyone responsible for (or working to strengthen) good governance within an organisation An organisation might use this resource when…. This website covers a broad range of topics within governance and so provides useful guidance in a variety of situations…
Created: 2014-10-08
Writing a Fundraising Proposal
Who would find this resource useful? This toolkit is aimed specifically at those who do not feel confident about writing funding proposals and who may not have much experience in it. It can be used by the individual project manager or by a team committed to increasing the organisation’s capacity…
Created: 2014-10-08
Developing a Finance Strategy
Who would find this resource useful? This toolkit is aimed specifically at people who have not thought through a financial strategy before. Perhaps you have not been involved in running an organisation before. Or perhaps your organisation has managed without a strategy but now you realise that, to survive, you…
Created: 2014-10-08
Fundraising from Trusts, Foundations and Companies
Who would find this resource useful? This guide is for those with limited previous experience of fundraising from companies or trusts and foundations An organisation might use this resource when…. When starting out fundraising from companies or trusts and foundations How can this resource help? It is a…
Created: 2014-10-08
Who would find this resource useful? This toolkit is aimed at those who have limited or no experience of budgeting. Perhaps you have not been involved in running an organisation or project before, or not been involved in the financial management side before. Now you are faced with budgeting and…
Created: 2014-10-08
Building Capacity through Financial Management
Who would find this resource useful? It is written for non-government organisations (NGOs), larger community-based organisations (CBOs), and charities. For organisations with established systems, it provides challenging questions, both for their own organisation and for the way in which they work with others. It is hoped that the book will…
Created: 2014-10-08
Project Budget Management
Who would find this resource useful? Conservation and development professionals and organisations responsible for developing and managing budgets An organisation might use this resource when…. Developing budgets based on project plans or strategic plans How can this resource help? It provides detailed guidance to developing a budget
Created: 2014-10-08
All About Boards of Directors
Who would find this resource useful? Organisation leaders, board members or anyone responsible for (or working to strengthen) good governance within an organisation An organisation might use this resource when…. This website covers a broad range of topics within governance and so provides useful guidance in a variety of situations…
Created: 2014-10-08
Leading Your NGO: A Reference Guide for NGO Boards / 領導您的 NGO: 非政府組織董事會參考指南
Who would find this resource useful? Organisation leaders, board members or anyone responsible for (or working to strengthen) good governance within an organisation. Written for NGOs in Hong Kong but transferable to other countries and contexts. An organisation might use this resource when…. When working to establish and strengthen: Organisational…
Created: 2014-10-08
Civil Society Accountability - Pacific
Who would find this resource useful? The toolkit has been primarily designed for environmental organisations, community-based organisations, women’s groups, and umbrella organisations in the Pacific. However, the accountability principles are in many ways applicable to any type of organisation and the tools could be adapted to a different institutional context.…
Created: 2014-10-08
Civil Society Accountability - Uganda
Who would find this resource useful? It has been primarily designed for organisations, advocacy groups and umbrella organisations in Uganda. However, the accountability principles are in many ways applicable to any type of organisation and the tools could be adapted to a different institutional context. An organisation might use…
Created: 2014-10-08
Civil Society Accountability - Belize
Who would find this resource useful? It has been primarily designed for organisations, advocacy groups and umbrella organisations in Belize. However, the accountability principles are in many ways applicable to any type of organisation and the tools could be adapted to a different institutional context. An organisation might use…
Created: 2014-10-08
Civil Society Accountability – India
Who would find this resource useful? It has been primarily designed for organisations, faith-based groups, women’s groups and umbrella organisations in India. However, the accountability principles are in many ways applicable to any type of organisation and the tools could be adapted to a different institutional context. An organisation…
Created: 2014-10-08
Civil Society Accountability - Sierra Leone
Who would find this resource useful? It has been primarily designed for non-governmental organisations, community-based organisations, advocacy groups and umbrella organisations in Sierra Leone. However, the accountability principles are in many ways applicable to any type of organisation and the tools could be adapted to a different institutional context. …
Created: 2014-10-08
Civil Society Accountability - Trinidad and Tobago
Who would find this resource useful? The toolkit has been primarily designed for environmental organisations, community-based organisations, women’s groups, religious groups and disability groups in Trinidad and Tobago. However, the accountability principles are in many ways applicable to any type of organisation and the tools could be adapted to a…
Created: 2014-10-08
Partnership Guidance for Working with Other Organisations
Who would find this resource useful? Conservation organisation that work, or are planning to work, with other organisations An organisation might use this resource when…. At the beginning of a joint project or response to ensure that essential issues around working in partnership are considered When preparing a Memorandum of…
Created: 2014-10-08
Fundraising Guidelines
Who would find this resource useful? This guide is useful for anyone writing funding proposals, wanting to learn more about different types of funder and about strategies for fundraising An organisation might use this resource when…. When writing a funding proposal How can this resource help? It provides…
Created: 2014-10-08
Introduction to Fundraising
Who would find this resource useful? This PowerPoint presentation provides introductory tips for anyone new to fundraising or who is developing training materials to train who are new to fundraising. See also Writing a Proposal. An organisation might use this resource when…. When new staff or volunteers with limited…
Created: 2014-10-08
Writing a Proposal
Who would find this resource useful? This PowerPoint presentation is an introduction for anyone new to writing funding proposals or who is developing training materials to train others who are new to writing funding proposals. See also Introduction to Fundraising. An organisation might use this resource when…. When new…
Created: 2014-10-08
Prospecting Template
Who would find this resource useful? Organisations which do not have a system for tracking donor management and funding proposals An organisation might use this resource when…. When looking to increase their donor support base and improve donor relationship management. You may wish to use this alongside the Proposal…
Created: 2014-10-08
Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA): A Toolkit for National Focal Points and NBSAP Coordinators
Who would find this resource useful? The toolkit is meant to serve both as a resource for the regional training workshops for National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAP) coordinators as well as a resource base for National Focal Points dealing with Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) issues. The toolkit…
Created: 2014-10-07
Knowledge Sharing Toolkit
Who would find this resource useful? Anyone interested in collaboration, participation, or communication An organisation might use this resource when…. You have a need, opportunity or challenge related to collaboration, participation, or communication, and you would like to consider knowledge sharing tools and methods to meet these needs. …
Created: 2014-10-07
Basics in Organisational Internal Communications
Who would find this resource useful? Organisation leaders and managers, or other staff interested in strengthening internal communications within their organisation An organisation might use this resource when…. It needs to improve its internal communication or develop and internal communications strategy How can this resource help? This website…
Created: 2014-10-07
Mind Tools
Who would find this resource useful? Anyone who wants to learn the practical, straightforward skills you need to excel in your career An organisation might use this resource when…. Individuals in that organisation are looking to be more effective, be a better manager and leader, or be more successful…
Created: 2014-10-07
Conservation Leadership Programme
Who would find this resource useful? Organisations or individuals looking for opportunities to build their conservation leadership capacity An organisation might use this resource when…. Looking for development opportunities for young conservation staff or volunteers How can this resource help? By linking you to funding opportunities for leadership…
Created: 2014-10-07
Monitoring and Evaluation
Who would find this resource useful? Anyone wishing to extend their knowledge on monitoring and evaluation methodologies and tools An organisation might use this resource when…. Searching for information and resources on monitoring and evaluation methodologies and tools Looking for consultancy support to develop monitoring and evaluation systems or…
Created: 2014-10-07
Promoting your Organisation
Who would find this resource useful? This guidance will be useful for all organisations that want to promote themselves to help them achieve their aims and objectives. It will be especially useful for organisations that are new to promotion work. It will also offer food for thought and some tips…
Created: 2014-10-07
Writing Effectively & Powerfully
Who would find this resource useful? This toolkit offers valuable tips and tools for both inexperienced and experienced writers. It focuses on writing in and for civil society organisations so that people working for such organisations will hopefully benefit, and their organisational work will be strengthened through using the tools…
Created: 2014-10-07
Producing Your Own Media
Who would find this resource useful? This toolkit offers suggestions for both experienced and inexperienced people on media production processes and practicalities. People in organisations who already produce media may find new things to think about. And those who are starting out should find it invaluable. It may be particularly…
Created: 2014-10-07
Handling the Media
Who would find this resource useful? This toolkit offers valuable tips for organisations that want to know how to handle the media. It will be especially useful for organisations that want to think through issues to do with relating to the mass media, and for people who do interviews with…
Created: 2014-10-07
Financial Management Handbook
Who would find this resource useful? For anyone in an organisation responsible for managing finances, including those with experience of financial management An organisation might use this resource when…. Designing a finance system Financial planning Developing budgets Understanding accounts Preparing financial reports Managing an audit How can this resource…
Created: 2014-10-07
Effective NGO Governance: An NGO training guide for Peace Corps volunteers
Who would find this resource useful? Anyone new to organisational governance or who is supporting strengthening of an organisation’s governance and accountability An organisation might use this resource when…. Anyone involved in reviewing or strengthening an organisation’s governance structures and board management, or training others in the basics of organisational…
Created: 2014-10-07
Writing Within Your Organisation
Who would find this resource useful? This toolkit offers valuable tips and tools for both inexperienced and experienced writers. It will be particularly useful for people who write internal documents for their organisation. An organisation might use this resource when…. It needs to strengthen its internal written communications …
Created: 2014-10-07
Internal Communication Toolkit
Who would find this resource useful? This toolkit will be useful for all organisations that want to improve their internal communication. In particular, it will be useful for those organisations that want to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their organisation by creating increased cohesion among staff, management and volunteers.…
Created: 2014-10-07
NGO Leadership Development. A review of the literature
Who would find this resource useful? Leaders and those interested in developing leadership skills in others An organisation might use this resource when…. Learning more about leadership or leadership development How can this resource help? A discussion paper that reviews definitions of leadership; leadership traits, styles and competencies;…
Created: 2014-10-07
All about Leadership
Who would find this resource useful? Leaders, managers and those interested in developing leadership and management skills in others An organisation might use this resource when…. Wishing to strengthen its leadership capacity or that of others How can this resource help? This website covers definitions of leadership; major…
Created: 2014-10-07
Guidelines for Preparing a Design and Monitoring Framework
Who would find this resource useful? Anyone who wants to learn more about project planning, monitoring and evaluation in the context of conservation and development projects An organisation might use this resource when…. Wishing to have information and step by step guidance on: Planning a project Completing situation analysis…
Created: 2014-10-07
Monitoring and Evaluation - How To Guide
Who would find this resource useful? Anyone new to monitoring and evaluation in the context of development projects An organisation might use this resource when…. Looking for an introduction to monitoring and evaluation in development context How can this resource help? A brief and clear introduction to monitoring…
Created: 2014-10-07
How to Monitor and Evaluate Advocacy
Who would find this resource useful? This toolkit should be useful to anyone working in an organisation or project who is concerned about the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of the work of the project or organisation. An organisation might use this resource when…. This toolkit will be useful when:…
Created: 2014-10-07
The ‘Most Significant Change’ (MSC) Technique
Who would find this resource useful? This guide is aimed at organisations, community groups, students and academics. The Most Significant Change (MSC) technique is applicable in many different sectors, including agriculture, education and development programs. It is also applicable to many different cultural contexts. An organisation might use this…
Created: 2014-10-07
Integrated Monitoring: a Practical Manual for Organisations That Want to Achieve Results
Who would find this resource useful? Anyone working in the non-profit sector -- non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other civil society organisations (CSOs) -- and the donors which fund them An organisation might use this resource when…. Wishing to observe more accurately what you are achieving through your efforts and…
Created: 2014-10-07
Behaviour Change Literature Review
Who would find this resource useful? This manual is designed for conservation practitioners designing and implementing communication and education activities to achieve behaviour change. An organisation might use this resource when…. Planning and carrying out communication and education programs that lead to behaviour change and conservation results. How…
Created: 2014-10-07
Minimum Standards for Financial Management in NGOs
Who would find this resource useful? Small and medium sized not-for-profit organisations An organisation might use this resource when…. Assessing the financial management of an organisation or department, or checking to see that all minimum requirements are being met How can this resource help? By providing a 1-page…
Created: 2014-10-07
Top Tips for Who Does What in Financial Management
Who would find this resource useful? Small and medium sized not-for-profit organisations An organisation might use this resource when…. Developing or reviewing roles and responsibilities Designing or reviewing financial management procedures How can this resource help? Everyone in an NGO, not just accountants, is responsible for making sure…
Created: 2014-10-07
Who Does What In Grant Management
Who would find this resource useful? Small and medium sized not-for-profit organisations An organisation might use this resource when…. Assigning roles and responsibilities for financial management tasks, and ensuring nothing slips through the net. How can this resource help? The table below lists the key tasks in grant…
Created: 2014-10-07
Internal Audit Review Checklist
Who would find this resource useful? Small and medium sized not-for-profit organisations An organisation might use this resource when…. Completing an internal audit of your organisation’s financial management or preparing for an external audit How can this resource help? This resource can help you assess the health of…
Created: 2014-10-07
Self-Assessment Checklist- Integrating Financial Management into Organisation Culture
Who would find this resource useful? Small and medium sized not-for-profit organisations An organisation might use this resource when…. Seeking to better understand the financial management culture of an organisation or department How can this resource help? This resource can help you assess how financial management is integrated…
Created: 2014-10-07
Ya’axché Orientation Template
Who would find this resource useful? Organisation leaders and anyone who manages people in their work An organisation might use this resource when…. Orienting new staff members or volunteers How can this resource help? It is an orientation checklist for a self-guided introduction to the conservation organisation which…
Created: 2014-10-07
International Volunteer Information Manual
Who would find this resource useful? Organisation leaders and anyone who manages people in their work An organisation might use this resource when…. Orienting new staff members or volunteers How can this resource help? It is a manual for a self-guided introduction to the Belizean conservation organisation which…
Created: 2014-10-07
An ICT Survival Guide for Trustees
This is primarily a governance guide with a focus on ICT. Don’t worry, we won’t use technical terms (unless we have to) and we’ll explain ourselves wherever and whenever we can. ICT stands for “Information and Communication Technology”. Also known as IT, it refers to the tools we use to…
Created: 2014-10-07
Staff Appraisal Template and Notes
Who would find this resource useful? An organisation that wants to implement a simple staff appraisal system. An organisation might use this resource when…. wanting to implement a staff appraisal system. The purpose of Appraisal is: To ensure that staff are carrying out their duties to the standard required To ensure…
Created: 2014-09-26
Tools and techniques for managing change
Who would find this resource useful? Leaders and facilitators helping organisations to function and to develop, and anyone interested in fostering healthy human organisation An organisation might use this resource when…. Seeking to better understand your own organisation or those you work with Seeking to better understand and facilitate change…
Created: 2014-08-22
Code of Ethics & Conduct for NGOs (Arabic) / مدونة الأخلاقيات والسلوك للمنظمات غير الحكومية (باللغة العربية)
Who would find this tool useful? Anyone looking at how an organisation should be conducted ethically, through a broad spectrum of areas, such as Fundraising, HR, Governance, Partnerships, Finance, Communications, Organisational Management, etc. An organisation might use this resource when…. Reviewing their organisation's operations, taking into account its principles,…
Created: 2014-03-31
Code of Ethics & Conduct for NGOs (Spanish) / Código Ético y de Conducta de las ONG (español)
Who would find this tool useful? Anyone looking at how an organisation should be conducted ethically, through a broad spectrum of areas, such as Fundraising, HR, Governance, Partnerships, Finance, Communications, Organisational Management, etc. An organisation might use this resource when…. Reviewing their organisation's operations, taking into account its principles,…
Created: 2014-03-31
Code of Ethics & Conduct for NGOs
Who would find this tool useful? Anyone looking at how an organisation should be conducted ethically, through a broad spectrum of areas, such as Fundraising, HR, Governance, Partnerships, Finance, Communications, Organisational Management, etc. An organisation might use this resource when…. Reviewing their organisation's operations, taking into account its principles,…
Created: 2014-03-31
Financial Sustainability Workshop
Who would find this resource useful? Anyone planning or facilitating a financial sustainability process - or finance strategy - for a non-governmental organisation An organisation might use this resource when…. Undertaking financial planning, or looking at their organisation's financial sustainability How can this resource help? This is a…
Created: 2014-02-17
Strategic Planning Workshop Facilitation Notes
Who would find this resource useful? Anyone planning or facilitating a strategic planning process for a non-governmental organisation An organisation might use this resource when…. Undertaking strategic planning How can this resource help? This is a set of notes that guide the facilitation of a series of strategic planning workshops…
Created: 2013-09-09
Developing a Communications Strategy
Who would find this resource useful? This tool will help you if you need to develop a communications strategy, but are not familiar with the process or structure to do so. Regardless of your role in your organisation, this will guide you through the tasks and rationale behind a sound…
Created: 2013-06-03
Communicating for Conservation: A communication toolkit for Caribbean civil society organisations working in biodiversity conservation
Who would find this resource useful? The toolkit is primarily designed for civil society organisations working in Caribbean. An organisation might use this resource when…. Developing a strategic approach to building the critical knowledge, attitudes and behaviours among the public and policy makers How can this resource help? This toolbox:…
Created: 2012-12-11
Institutional Fundraising for Conservation Projects
Who would find this resource useful? This step-by-step guide is designed to improve your success rate at institutional fundraising, by showing you how to plan high-quality projects, how to translate them into excellent funding proposals, how to develop constructive enduring donor relationships, and how to draft short- and long-term fundraising…
Created: 2012-12-11
Fundraising for Conservation Projects (Spanish) / Recaudación de fondos para proyectos de conservación
Who would find this resource useful? This guide is for anyone working in biodiversity conservation who needs help to secure adequate funding for their projects, programmes and organisations An organisation might use this resource when…. When thinking about Project Development, Proposal Writing, Donor Relations and Fundraising Strategies. When wanting to…
Created: 2012-12-11
Core Administration Fundraising for Long-term Strength and Sustainability
Synopsis Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF) is Nigeria’s foremost environmental conservation organisation. Established as a non- governmental organisation in 1980 and registered in 1982, NCF has a vision of a Nigeria where people prosper while living in harmony with nature. It is a membership organisation and maintains a leading voice on…
Created: 2012-11-16
Bird Conservation Nepal's Efforts on Membership Growth
Bird Conservation Nepal Bird Conservation Nepal is the leading organization in Nepal, focusing on the conservation of birds, their habitats and sites. It seeks to promote interests in birds among the general public, encourage research in birds and identify major threats to birds' continued survival. BCN is a membership-based organization…
Created: 2012-11-16
Online Community Purpose Checklist
Who would find this resource useful? Individuals and organisations with little experience of establishing online networks or communities. An organisation might use this resource when…. Establishing an online network or community. How can this resource help? It provides a checklist to help you think about what you want to accomplish…
Created: 2012-11-14
Strategic Planning Toolkit
Who would find this resource useful? This toolkit will help you if you have had only limited experience in planning or in strategic planning. Perhaps you have not been involved in running an organisation, project or department before. Or perhaps you have not been involved in the planning side of…
Created: 2012-11-14
The Barefoot Guide to Learning Practices and Social Change
Who would find this resource useful? Leaders, facilitators and practitioners wanting to improve and enrich their learning processes. It is intended for individuals, organisations and for social change practice in the field. An organisation might use this resource when…. Improving organisational learning for a positive and lasting impact. How can…
Created: 2012-11-14
The Barefoot Guide to Working with Organisations and Social Change
Who would find this resource useful? Leaders and facilitators of civil society organisations wanting to help organisations to function and to develop in more healthy, human and effective ways. An organisation might use this resource when…. Improving organisational effectiveness. How can this resource help?
The guide, with its supporting website,…
Created: 2012-11-14
Next Generation Network Evaluation
Who would find this resource useful? Practitioners undertaking network evaluation and individuals working to support networks. An organisation might use this resource when…. Evaluating or designing a monitoring and evaluation framework for a formal network. How can this resource help? It proposes a framework for network impacts planning, assessment, reporting…
Created: 2012-11-14
The Partnership Toolbox
Who would find this resource useful? Conservation organisation that work, or are planning to work, with other organisations An organisation might use this resource…. At the beginning of a partnership When preparing a partnership agreement When reviewing a partnership How can this resource help? It provides practical guidance and tools…
Created: 2012-11-14
Work the Net - A Management Guide for Formal Networks
Who would find this resource useful? Networking practitioners as well as other professionals wishing to establish a network An organisation might use this resource when…. When defining, setting up, managing or governing a formal network. How can this resource help? This is a hands-on guide for setting up, managing and…
Created: 2012-11-14
Operational / Annual Plan Template
Who would find this resource useful? This template is useful for individuals who need to develop an operational plan for their organisation, and who wish to align their operational plan clearly with their organisational strategic plan. An organisation might use this resource when…. Developing its annual operational plan or workplan…
Created: 2012-11-14
Example Strategic Plan for a Small CSO
Who would find this resource useful? Those wishing to see an example of simple strategic plan outline and structure An organisation might use this resource when…. You are developing a strategic planning process. You begin the planning for a new project or organisation. You feel you need to review your…
Created: 2012-11-14
Corporate Planning for NGOs
Who would find this resource useful? Anyone wishing to learn more about strategic planning for NGOs An organisation might use this resource when…. You need some ideas to help you plan a strategic planning process. You begin the planning for a new project or organisation. You feel you need to…
Created: 2012-11-14
Partnership Checklist: Issues to Consider when Developing a Joint Project
Who would find this resource useful? Any organisation that works, or is planning to work, with other organisations An organisation might use this resource when…. At the beginning of a joint project or response to ensure that essential issues around working in partnership are considered When preparing a Memorandum of…
Created: 2012-11-14
Guidance on Establishing & Facilitating Effective Networks
Who would find this resource useful? Individuals and organisations with little experience of establishing, managing or facilitating a network to achieve a common purpose, or those who are seeking to reinvigorate or review a network An organisation might use this resource when…. Establishing, managing or facilitating a face-to-face or online…
Created: 2012-11-14
PM4DEV - Project Management for Development Organisations
Who would find this resource useful? Conservation and development professionals and organisations who do not have significant resources to pay for training or do not have access to local training. An organisation might use this resource when…. Looking to enhance project management skills of its staff. How can this resource…
Created: 2012-11-13
Guidelines for Preparing a Design and Monitoring Framework
Who would find this resource useful? Program and project team leaders, team members, consultants implementing development projects An organisation might use this resource when…. It wants to undergo a rigorous planning process to work with stakeholders to understand the complexity of issues, determine appropriate objectives, and select the most suitable…
Created: 2012-11-13
Action Planning
Who would find this resource useful? Those who have had only limited experience in planning, are still unsure of how to plan your activities, or feel unsure that you are “doing it right” An organisation might use this resource…. When you need to plan operationally, on the basis of a…
Created: 2012-11-13
Planning Overview
Who would find this resource useful? Those who have had only limited experience in planning An organisation might use this resource when…. When you need to plan strategically as well as operationally and to make a distinction between the two. When you need some ideas to help you plan a…
Created: 2012-11-13
Making Connections: Theory of Change for Planning and Evaluation
Who would find this resource useful? Voluntary or community sector organisations. An organisation might use this resource when…. …wanting to bring about change – whether at an individual, organisation, community or policy level. How can this resource help? This guide is an introduction to the ‘theory of change’ approach to…
Created: 2012-11-13
Conservation Project Manual (Spanish)
Who would find this resource useful? Conservation project leaders and their teams who have responsibility for planning and implementing projects, especially non-specialists who have received no formal training in project planning. An organisation might use this resource when…. At any stage during the life cycle of small to medium-scale conservation…
Created: 2012-11-13
Conservation Project Manual (Russian) / Руководство по природоохранным проектам (на русском языке)
Who would find this resource useful? Conservation project leaders and their teams who have responsibility for planning and implementing projects, especially non-specialists who have received no formal training in project planning. An organisation might use this resource when…. At any stage during the life cycle of small to medium-scale conservation…
Created: 2012-11-13
Conservation Project Manual (Chinese) / 保育項目手冊 (中文)
Who would find this resource useful? Conservation project leaders and their teams who have responsibility for planning and implementing projects, especially non-specialists who have received no formal training in project planning. An organisation might use this resource when…. At any stage during the life cycle of small to medium-scale conservation…
Created: 2012-11-13
Conservation Project Manual
Who would find this resource useful? Conservation project leaders and their teams who have responsibility for planning and implementing projects, especially non-specialists who have received no formal training in project planning. An organisation might use this resource…. At any stage during the life cycle of small to medium-scale conservation projects…
Created: 2012-11-13
Ya’axché’s Experience of Strategic and Operational Planning
Synopsis Ya’axché is a local Belizean organisation that works to maintain healthy forests, rivers and reefs in the Maya Golden Landscape. The organisation’s core challenges include financial sustainability and linking its monitoring activities to overall program effectiveness. Ya’axché conducted a participatory strategic planning process resulting in a simple but comprehensive…
Created: 2012-11-12