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Trustee Recruitment Cycle: How to complete a skills audit

Created: 2022-07-04
Author: Reach Volunteering Language: English
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Governance Skills and experience Skills audit Trustee recruitment

Who would find this resource useful?

Board members/Trustees/Governing body of an NGO. Managing/Executive Director of an NGO.

An organisation might use this resource when…
…your organisation would like to:

  • Understand your board’s current mix of skills and experience.
  • Identify the gaps in your board and highlight the skills you need to prioritise for your next trustee recruitment.
  • Consider succession planning and preparing for the future.

How can this resource help?
Boards often do a skills audit before they recruit trustees. However, it can be helpful to complete the exercise every year because it prompts trustees to reflect on how their personal expertise has developed and new areas of interest they want to explore. The board can respond more quickly and easily when the need to recruit trustees arises – and a skills audit can flag if a new trustee would add value even if recruitment isn’t on the radar.

The resource contains both an online template that you can share easily and an excel template in case it is easier to work offline!

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