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Talking the walk

Created: 2022-02-08
Author: The Partnering Initiative: Ros Tennyson and Sue McManus Language: English
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Who would find this resource useful?

Talking the Walk is a toolbook for partnership practitioners from all sectors, to enable them to understand the importance of good communication to their work, and to help them develop techniques to improve their communications – both inside, and beyond, the partnership.

An organisation might use this resource when….

…managing and strengthening their relationships with partners. The book provides a series of guides, tools and checklists to enable better communications. There are a selection of stories and case studies about communication, reflecting the experience of a range of practitioners in the field. Talking the Walk concludes with an analysis of future challenges that partnership practitioners will face, and how communication skills can be used to meet these challenges.

How can this resource help?

This book has contributions in the form of case studies, think pieces and tools from more than fifteen practitioners and covers communications as a continuum from the very first partnering conversation to a PR blitz of a successful partnership. Topics include: Richer Conversations, Hearing Unheard Voices, Inter-cultural Communications, Use of Images, Communications Planning, Assessing Effectiveness and much more.

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