Available Assessments

Organisational Resilience Check

The organisational resilience check is a tool to help you consider the different areas of your organisation, identify strengths and areas to develop. 

The assessment is split into 12 themes. You can complete the full assessment and answer all of the questions, or you can complete just the sections that are relevant to your organisation. 

Once you have submitted your online form, you can view your results and the average for the whole organisation, which can help you prioritise areas for development. 

The results of the Capacity for Conservation Organisational Resilience Check will give a good baseline of the institutional resilience and capacity of your organisation and can be used to inform organisational planning. 

If the self-assessment is repeated every year then trends in capacity development can be seen. 

Read our Organisational Resilience Check Guidance page for more help.

Login or Register to access the online assessment.

Organisational Assessment

The organisational assessment is a tool to help you consider the different areas of your organisation, identify strengths and areas to develop.

The assessment is split into 12 themes. You can complete the full assessment and answer all of the questions, or you can complete just the sections that are relevant to your organisation.

Once you have submitted your online form, you can view your results and the average for the whole organisation, which can help you prioritise areas for development.

The results of the Capacity for Conservation Organisational Assessment will give a good baseline of the institutional capacity of your organisation and can be used to inform organisational planning.

If the self-assessment is repeated every year then trends in capacity development can be seen.

Read our Organisational Assessment Guidance page for more help.

Login or Register to access the online assessment.