
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent nulla nisl, rutrum vel commodo eget, egestas nec odio. Cras volutpat, lectus ac cursus cursus, ipsum arcu sagittis sem, in tempus lectus sapien ac ante. Ut pulvinar, nulla ac tincidunt condimentum, arcu neque elementum libero, quis lacinia justo neque condimentum libero. Vestibulum pellentesque orci vel auctor malesuada. Phasellus convallis sollicitudin laoreet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam fermentum justo at venenatis egestas. Cras massa purus, interdum sit amet blandit at, finibus eu neque. Phasellus laoreet arcu eu vestibulum tristique.

Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur convallis eget enim eu scelerisque. Nulla blandit eget tortor et auctor. Donec dictum laoreet ipsum, eget imperdiet orci gravida sit amet. Nullam semper, felis eget luctus vestibulum, nisl purus placerat orci, id ornare erat arcu ut eros. In id sollicitudin leo. Pellentesque volutpat felis non lorem porttitor, et euismod sapien sollicitudin. Aenean malesuada ultrices orci et ornare.

Take a look at our training


Welcome to the fourth and final module of this course! Here we're looking at what happens at the end of a funding period. By the end of this module you will be able to: - Describe the main purpo...
Created: 2024-10-11 Language: EN

Conflict resolution

CFC Training
Welcome to conflict resolution. By the end of this course you will be able to: - Identify common sources of conflict - Categorise conflicts you have experienced by their source - Describe fou...
Created: 2024-08-15 Language: EN
Welcome to Module 2 of the Safeguarding in Conservation course. By the end of this module you should be able to: - Explain how an organisational approach to safeguarding and risk mitigation can he...
Created: 2024-08-15 Language: EN
This module is designed for anyone working in the conservation sector who needs to understand good practice approaches for setting up reporting mechanisms and what is needed for effective responses to...
Created: 2024-08-15 Language: EN
Welcome to the fourth and final module of the course Safeguarding in Conservation. By the end of this module you should be able to: - Identify where your organisation/team is on your safeguarding ...
Created: 2024-08-15 Language: EN
"Saving our planet is now a communications challenge. We know what to do, we just need the will.” - David Attenborough Do you want to have more effective communications? Do you find it difficult t...
Created: 2024-08-15 Language: EN
The first of four modules, Module 1 is designed for anyone active in the conservation sector. By the end of this module, you will be able to: - Define what safeguarding is - Explain the relations...
Created: 2024-08-15 Language: EN
Welcome to this course on gender in conservation projects. We've designed this course as an introduction to gender in the context of conservation, including some suggestions on how you can promote ...
Created: 2024-08-15 Language: EN
Welcome to this Introduction to Social Safeguards course. By the end of this course, you should be able to: Define the meaning of Social Safeguards and the relationship with “safeguarding of c...
Created: 2023-11-16 Language: EN
During this module we will continue to look at key areas of importance during fund implementation. By the end of this module, you should be able to: Explain how a strong relationship with a funde...
Created: 2023-11-09 Language: EN
In this online e-learning module, we will cover procurement, authorisation procedures and supporting documentation. By the end of the module you should be able to: Describe what procurement is an...
Created: 2023-11-09 Language: EN
This course introduces you to the general principles of good fund management. It aims to ensure that funds are used effectively for conservation and fulfil both your, and stakeholders', conditions and...
Created: 2023-11-09 Language: EN
Welcome to this session on learning from failure.   By the end of the session you should be able to: Explain the importance of learning from failure List factors which prevent us le...
Created: 2023-11-07 Language: EN
Avez-vous déjà eu une décision prise en votre nom, qui a eu un impact négatif sur vous ? Qu'avez-vous ressenti ? Ce cours explore l'engagement des parties prenantes, avec un accent particulier sur ...
Created: 2023-11-07 Language: EN , FR
Have you ever had a decision made on your behalf, which went on to negatively impact you? How did it make you feel? This course explores stakeholder engagement, with a particular emphasis on commun...
Created: 2023-11-07 Language: EN , FR
Have you ever been confused about the difference between outputs, outcomes, and impacts? If so, then you've come to the right place.  This short course aims to help you apply these terms to create str...
Created: 2023-11-07 Language: EN

Active Listening

CFC Training
’I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening’.  – Larry King   Listening to what someone is saying –...
Created: 2023-11-07 Language: EN

Persuading people

CFC Training
Have you ever been in a meeting with someone and you know the best way to proceed... and that it would be in their interests... but they aren't convinced and you just...can't...find...the... right...w...
Created: 2023-11-07 Language: EN

Managing change

CFC Training
"Leaders establish the vision for the future and set the strategy for getting there.”  – Dr. John Kotter  Welcome to this session where we'll be exploring the concept of change, and how it relat...
Created: 2023-11-07 Language: EN
Welcome to this session on giving effective feedback. This session is made up of two parts. In this first part we will: Explore what stops us giving feedback, and the repercussions of this Dis...
Created: 2023-11-07 Language: EN

Motivating people

CFC Training
If you ask someone to draw you a conservationist, they will probably draw someone in the middle of a remote natural area: passionate and driven, yes – but probably also grubby, tired and far from fami...
Created: 2023-11-07 Language: EN
Welcome to this session focusing on understanding the value of a well-developed personal network, and practical exercises to help you consider and strengthen your own. By the end of this session yo...
Created: 2023-11-07 Language: EN
Receiving regular and direct feedback from managers, those we manage, and colleagues, empowers us to grow as professionals and produce better results.   However, not everyone has the same e...
Created: 2023-11-07 Language: EN

Team development

CFC Training
This session looks at how teams develop and evolve. By the end of it you will be able to:   List the stages of Tuckman’s model of team development Explain the characteristics of each s...
Created: 2023-11-07 Language: EN

Unconscious bias

CFC Training
Unconscious bias refers to the deep-seated prejudices we all absorb due to living in deeply unequal societies. Unconscious bias happens when our brains make incredibly quick judgements and assessme...
Created: 2023-11-07 Language: EN
Welcome to this session on personal wellbeing. In this course, the focus is on looking after ourselves. This is something many conservationists can struggle to pay enough attention to, though if we...
Created: 2023-11-07 Language: EN
By the end of this course, you should be able to: Explain what a Grievance Mechanism is Describe how such a mechanism can help us ensure conservation activities are fair and effective Recog...
Created: 2023-06-23 Language: EN

Learning from failure

CFC Training
This online e-learning course focuses on learning from failure. By the end of the session you should be able to: Explain the importance of learning from failure List factors which prevent us l...
Created: 2022-12-20 Language: EN
Have you ever had a decision made on your behalf, which went on to negatively impact you? How did it make you feel? This original online e-learning course explores stakeholder engagement, with a pa...
Created: 2022-07-06 Language: EN